A small project to do a pure port of ARPACK Symmetric solver to Julia - Part 4 - Checking against libarpack
See Overview for a high-level picture, also see ArpackInJulia.jl on Github
One of the things I wanted to do was check against the true ARPACK functions. The idea is that we can swap out true ARPACK routines for our routines easily. So I wanted to be able to call the true ARPACK routines individually myself.
This is remarkably easy and how Arpack.jl works with the functions aupd
in ARPACK to implement eigs. So this isn’t surprisingly. It’s still fun
to see that ease of use translate into new codes.
The idea is that Arpack.jl
uses Arpack_jll
to access the compiled FORTRAN
code as a dynamic library. All the binary compiling, etc. is handled by
and Arpack.jl
can just use that. So we are going to
import Arpack_jll
so we can get access to
@show Arpack_jll.libarpack
which gives the path to the ARPACK library in a system independent fashion. (At some point, this will work on the Apple M1 too, but not yet.) [Probably will be about the same time as I finish posting these notes though and getting all of the routines ported.]
Once we have that, we can simply setup a ccall to get what we need! See the blas.jl functions for many examples of how to do this. Also see Arpack.jl for even more examples that are specific to ARPACK.
import Arpack_jll, LinearAlgebra
function arpack_dsconv(n::Int, ritz::Vector{Float64}, bounds::Vector{Float64},
nconv::Int = 0
ccall((:dsconv_, Arpack_jll.libarpack), Cvoid,
n, ritz, bounds, tol, nconv)
return nconv
Of course, I only want to depend on Arpack_jll
in the test routines.
(Actually, I’d really only like to depend on it in a subset of the
test routines. But I don’t see how to do that right now and it isn’t
Put another way, I want to enable the tests to run without Arpack_jll
working on a particular platform. And where we don’t run the tests that
need it.
To control which tests are run, we can check ARGS
as described
in this pull request https://github.com/JuliaLang/Pkg.jl/pull/1226
where this functionality was implemented in Julia.
if "arpackjll" in ARGS
include("arpackjll.jl") # get the helpful routines to call stuff in "arpackjll"
@testset "arpackjll" begin
# tests that check against libarpack directly
So I stuck the call to dsconv into arpackjll.jl
import Arpack_jll, LinearAlgebra
function arpack_dsconv(n::Int, ritz::Vector{Float64}, bounds::Vector{Float64},
nconv::LinearAlgebra.BlasInt = -1
ccall((:dsconv_, Arpack_jll.libarpack), Cvoid,
n, ritz, bounds, tol, nconv)
return nconv
This does require me to add Arpack_jll
and LinearAlgebra
to the
Test package itself. We can do this by activating the test package
and then adding them.
# change to the test subdirectory
] activate .
add LinearAlgebra
add Arpack_jll
And our full piece of new test code
if "arpackjll" in ARGS
include("arpackjll.jl") # get the helpful routines to call stuff in "arpackjll"
@testset "arpackjll" begin
@testset "dsconv" begin
soln = arpack_dsconv(10, ones(10), zeros(10), 1e-8)
[@test](https://micro.blog/test) ArpackInJulia.dsconv(10, ones(10), zeros(10), 1e-8)==soln
soln = arpack_dsconv(10, zeros(10), ones(10), 1e-8)
[@test](https://micro.blog/test) ArpackInJulia.dsconv(10, zeros(10), ones(10), 1e-8)==soln
This flips ones and zeros, which should show converged in one of the cases.
And what’s weird, it fails. I always get back arpack_dsconv==-1. Hmm… will debug in the next post!