I’m working on a small “me-time” project to port the ARPACK symmetric solver to Julia.

My goal is to port the double-precision ARPACK for symmetric matrices in Julia. Including all ARPACK stuff. So this should give “exactly” what ARPACK does but be a pure Julia implementation. (Where exactly is … it should be executing roughly the same sequence of floating point operations and can differ on levels that would be expected for different compilers compiling the same code.)

  • not a goal to “Julia-ize” the package; I want to keep as close to the FORTRAN as possible so that I might be able to replace calls to Julia’s Arpack.saupd / Arpack.seupd (which call the Fortran library) with this code.
  • small internal function changes are okay, e.g. ARPACK has various debugging and timing stuff that would need to be done differently in Julia.
  • small simplifications, e.g. if a function computes a single Int, we can rewrite that to return the Int rather than writing it into an array like in FORTRAN.
  • Why? Why not implement my own ImplicitRestart/Eigensolver/Etc.? Simple: I trust ARPACK. Also, I want to understand exactly what the symmetric ARPACK solver is doing.
  • Why not use a Fortran->Julia compiler? Well, I could. But I could also do this and learn intimate details of how it works to help out in teaching :)
  • I want to document some of the cool stuff in ARPACK!

For context, I spent about a semester studying these solvers with Gene Golub to see if there were obvious ideas to make computing the Fiedler vectors faster, but beyond the high level algorithmics and lots of experiments, nothing came of it. This project is different in that the end goal is easy – port the code, with a focus on explaining in detail what each step does. (hah, how about that name-dropping?)

Since it’s good to have a driving use-case, the idea is to make the following MatrixNetworks.jl code work without the ARPACK dependency.

    Compute eigenvalues and vectors using direct calls to the ARPACK wrappers
    to get type-stability. This function works for symmetric matrices.
    This function works on Float32 and Float64-valued sparse matrices.
    It returns the smallest set of eigenvalues and vectors.
    It only works on matrices with more than 21 rows and columns.
    (Use a dense eigensolver for smaller problems.)
    - `(evals,evecs) = _symeigs_smallest_arpack(A::SparseMatrixCSC{V,Int},
                            nev::Int,tol::V,maxiter::Int, v0::Vector{V})`
    - `A`: the sparse matrix, must be symmetric
    - `nev`: the number of eigenvectors requested
    - `tol`: the relative tolerance of the eigenvalue computation
    - `maxiter`: the maximum number of restarts
    - `v0`: the initial vector for the Lanczos process
    This is an internal function.
    function _symeigs_smallest_arpack(
                v0::Vector{V}) where V

        n::Int = checksquare(A) # get the size
        @assert n >= 21

        # setup options
        mode = 1
        sym = true
        iscmplx = false
        bmat = String("I")
        ncv = min(max(2*nev,20),n-1)

        whichstr = String("SA")
        ritzvec = true
        sigma = 0.

        #TOL = Array{V}(undef,1)
        #TOL[1] = tol
        TOL = Ref(tol)
        lworkl = ncv*(ncv + 8)
        v = Array{V}(undef, n, ncv)
        workd = Array{V}(undef, 3*n)
        workl = Array{V}(undef, lworkl)
        resid = Array{V}(undef, n)

        resid[:] = v0[:]

        info = zeros(BlasInt, 1)
        info[1] = 1

        iparam = zeros(BlasInt, 11)
        ipntr = zeros(BlasInt, 11)
        ido = zeros(BlasInt, 1)

        iparam[1] = BlasInt(1)
        iparam[3] = BlasInt(maxiter)
        iparam[7] = BlasInt(mode)

        # this is a helpful indexing vector
        zernm1 = 0:(n-1)

        while true
            # This is the reverse communication step that ARPACK does
            # we need to extract the desired vector and multiply it by A
            # unless the code says to stop
                ido, bmat, n, whichstr, nev, TOL, resid, ncv, v, n,
                iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info)

            load_idx = ipntr[1] .+ zernm1
            store_idx = ipntr[2] .+ zernm1

            x = workd[load_idx]

            if ido[1] == 1
                workd[store_idx] = A*x
            elseif ido[1] == 99
                error("unexpected ARPACK behavior")

        # Once the process terminates, we need to extract the
        # eigenvectors.

        # calls to eupd
        howmny = String("A")
        select = Array{BlasInt}(undef, ncv)

        d = Array{V}(undef, nev)
        sigmar = ones(V,1)*sigma
        ldv = n
        Arpack.seupd(ritzvec, howmny, select, d, v, ldv, sigmar,
            bmat, n, whichstr, nev, TOL, resid, ncv, v, ldv,
            iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info)
        if info[1] != 0
            error("unexpected ARPACK exception")

        # Now we want to return them in sorted order (smallest first)
        p = sortperm(d)

        d = d[p]
        vectors = v[1:n,p]

        return (d,vectors,iparam[5])